This section: "Experiment with a quieter style of launch: use existing relationships" !!! I feel so resistnant to the school of marketing thought that says we have to show up consistently adding more fluff and repetitive content (fluff) into the void. I want to post meaningful, interesting and valuable content, not just spam people's feeds until they're fed up! Thank you for saying this. It validates what I already knew to be true but didn't yet have the words to articulate!

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This is gold, Ettie. Thank you so much. I'm in the early stages of my own adhd journey and there is soo much that resonates here. I've shamed myself so much over the years for that surge of focus and then inability to finish. So now understanding why that is very freeing. I definitely want to think about how to get help for that last 20%. This has gone straight into my saves!

Congratulations on such an amazing achievement putting your course out into the world and making such an impact.

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Love this Ettie. As someone with ADHD who recently finished creating a course (but not yet done much to promote it), this really hits close to home. Hiring others or doing a skill swap is amazing - I did that recently with a friend who's an L&D expert, and it was amazing for (a) improving the course, (b) giving myself some job-like accountability ("I need to have this ready for X to review by tomorrow!"), and (c) making the project less daunting.

One thing that's helped me with the "I felt like I’d repeated myself a million times over" problem is remembering that most people (a) don't see 100% of what I post, and (b) even if they saw something I wrote 6 months ago, they almost certainly won't remember it word for word.

This reminder has helped me give license to myself to repost content every few months, which has really helped with maintaining consistency (otherwise it's easy to feel like you've said as much as you possibly could already).

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Loved reading this and you're so right. It is HARD work selling spaces on courses and it takes a lot of work to create a new course and put it out into the world. But also - what an achievement!

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This is so accurate and helpful. I struggle so much with launching because you're right - it's not just BORING, it's physically painful. Thank you so much for this brilliant piece!! Also thanks to Ellie Kime who shared it with me!

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