Hi friends,
If you’re reading or listening to this, I know you care about your words and the impact they have in the world.
Because every time you write an email or chat to someone in person, you have the chance to craft:
Words that welcome,
Stories that connect,
Content that works better for everyone.
And if you want to get clear and confident on how to do that, I’ve got the course for you!
It’s my 12 week programme, Bold Type. The next programme starts on Tuesday 24 September and I’ve love you to be part of it.
Why I created Bold Type
Firstly, a bit about why I created this course.
Inclusive and accessible communication can feel confusing
Does this sound familiar?
You’ve been umming and ahhing over the same draft for weeks
You want to speak out on the issues that matter, but you’re not sure where to begin.
You want to create content that works better for everyone, but there seems to be a never-ending list of things you need to consider.
You want to be a confident, fearless communicator, but you find yourself hesitating over every word, stuck making endless edits in tracked changes.
All that indecision is a missed opportunity. To speak out about what matters. To take meaningful action.
You would love for this all to feel easier, but the pressure to get it “right” stops you in your tracks
(By the way, there’s no “right” way to be inclusive and accessible! But there are core principles you can come back to again and again. And practical tips you can follow to make your content as accessible as possible).

It doesn’t need to be difficult
Creating inclusive and accessible content is a non-negotiable.
But that doesn't mean it should take hours, cause headaches or leave you feeling confused and anxious.
Accessible and inclusive content isn’t an add-on. To connect with people, we’ve got to be able to communicate in a way that works better for them.
With the right tools and knowledge, you can create content that works better for almost everyone.
Over time, you can ditch the overwhelm and feel calm and confident. Figuring out more inclusive and accessible ways to communicate will come as naturally as chatting with your closest friends.
You can learn a lot on your own
The internet is full of brilliant (and not-so-brilliant) blogs, articles, videos, and podcasts that give advice on everything from gender-neutral language to writing alt text and image descriptions
You’ve probably read a ton of them (or planned to, when you get the time and headspace). Maybe you’ve:
watched webinars on neurodivergent-friendly communication, and tried to apply the tips.
joined online communities focused on anti-racism or LGBTQIA+ inclusion at work,
signed up for workplace training on inclusive language.
But you still find yourself asking, “am I doing this right?”
Because you can learn incredible things on your own. But there’s no substitute for learning in community.
Community is where the magic happens
Online resources and books are great, but…
Reading about inclusive communication doesn't always give you the confidence and practice you need to apply things to your own context.
You can understand what makes an email more accessible to screenreader users, or what makes a webpage easier to scan. But that doesn't mean you can do it in a rush, in between back-to-back meetings, while also worrying about everything else on your to-do list.
You know what really helps?
a guide who has years of hands-on experience, who can demonstrate inclusive writing techniques, and is constantly learning about the latest developments in accessible communication.
a supportive community of fellow communicators cheering you on and sharing their own inclusive writing journeys.
regular practice sessions where you can apply what you've learned, get constructive feedback, and refine your skills.
Being part of a community that’s all going on a learning journey can feel amazing. There’s a collective energy that brings support, positivity, motivation and accountability. And you can’t get that from solo Google searches or occasional workshops.
You need to practice these skills regularly. Write, reflect on feedback, revise, repeat.
And you need to learn from people with different perspectives from your own. People of different ages, classes, Disabilities, genders, races, sexual orientations and so much more.
This way, you can communicate confidently and authentically.
And that's exactly what my 12-week interactive course Bold Type helps you do.

About me
Hi, I'm Ettie.
I help people communicate in ways that work better for everyone.
I've helped thousands of people to become more inclusive and accessible, working with organisations from tiny grassroots ones to well-known names like Amnesty International, Decathlon, Harrods, and Girlguiding. They trust me to teach inclusive and accessible communication in a fun, practical way that really works.
If communication is part of your job, I can help you to do it in a way that works better for everybody.
I don't teach rules or tell you to follow “say this, don’t say that” guidance. When you join Bold Type, you’re getting the knowledge, support, space and time you need to consistently create content that works better for everyone.
Are you ready to change the way you communicate forever?
I’m ready to support you to do just that.
“I think rather than providing you with like do's and don'ts, this course really is thought provoking and provides you with so much to think about and so many things that you can implement that is really going to live much longer than the course. So in terms of value you're going to get out of it, I think it's incredibly rich” - L, a participant on the June cohort of Bold Type
“Working with Ettie is a transformative experience filled with joy, thought-provoking insights, and unwavering support. If you’re ready to become an inclusive and accessible communicator, I can’t recommend Ettie highly enough”
— Sulaiman R. Khan, Founder and Chief Radical Officer of ThisAbility Ltd
What Bold Type is
Bold Type is a 12-week program to help you:
craft inclusive content about the topics that matter,
turn communication challenges into opportunities for connection,
develop practical skills for creating accessible content,
boost your knowledge, so you can support people around you.
Each week, you’ll get new ideas and tools, create your own personalised resources to guide you in the future, and learn together through Q&A and co-working sessions.
All our sessions happen online on Zoom.
You'll have me, Ettie, as your facilitator and learning partner, along with a community of passionate communicators, for 3 months,
live group coaching sessions twice a month,
exclusive access to a library of resources that I’ve curated (so you don’t have to trawl the internet looking for them).
What the course covers
Actually, let’s start with what you won’t get. You won’t get:
judgement (I’m just not interested in shaming anybody; we’re all here to grow and develop, not to point fingers. Yes you’ll be challenged, but you’ll also be championed, supported and celebrated.)
oversimplification (inclusive and accessible communication is nuanced and we won’t hide from its complexity)
a one-size-fits-all approach (There isn’t one. We’'ll address your specific communication challenges and support you to find what works for you).
Here’s what you do get:
Week 1: Principles of inclusive language. Learn the foundational concepts of inclusive communication and why it matters. Understand how language impacts our beliefs and behaviours.
Week 2: Understanding systems of oppression (or 'Isms')
Explore how ableism, racism, sexism, and other systems of oppression show up in language. Learn to identify, challenge and dismantle harmful communication practices.
Week 3: Action week: put principles into practice
Apply what you've learned through practical exercises. Update your personal inclusive and accessible communication playbook.
Week 4: Neurodivergent-friendly communication
Learn how to make your content work better for ADHD, autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic (and lots more) people, plus tired and distracted folks.
Week 5: Disability and accessibility
Understand what Disability is (using the social and human rights models of Disability), how content can enable or disable us, and how to make your content more accessible for blind, d/Deaf/hard of hearing folks, people with vestibular conditions, epilepsy, anxiety and more.
You’ll also get a masterclass in Disability Justice, taught by the one and only Sulaiman Khan.
Week 6: Action week - Accessibility in action
Practice creating accessible content, including how to write content that’s quick and easy to understand, how and why to write alt text and image descriptions. Refine your playbook.
Week 7: Anti-racist communication
Guest expert Collette Phillip and (absolute icon, founder of anti-racist brand consultancy Brand By Me) leads this session on anti-racist language practices.
Week 8: Drop-in session
Bring your questions and challenges for group discussion and problem-solving.
Week 9: Gender-inclusive language
Learn what sex, gender identity, gender presentation (and more) are and how to avoid sexism in communication.
Week 10: Drop-in session
Another opportunity to clarify what you’re learning, bring questions from your own life, and get feedback on your work.
Week 11: LGBTQ+ inclusive communication
Learn about gender, sexual orientation, pronouns and more. We’ll deepen our understanding of the spectrum of genders, gender presentations and sexual orientations, learn how to ask for, remember, change, use and offer our pronouns, and cover how to avoid misgendering people, as well as what to do if you do.
12: Reflection and next steps
Review your progress, finalise your playbook, and plan how to put your new skills into practice.

Sign up for Bold Type
Ready to become a bold, brave and confident communicator? Reserve your spot now.
Spaces are limited so that I can create the most inclusive and accessible learning experience possible.
If you have any other questions, get in touch with me on hello@fightingtalk.uk.
”Ettie is a skilled, passionate and inclusive facilitator who confidently translates complex topics into meaningful and actionable insights [...] her ability to put people at ease without compromising the topic or learning is amazing.”
Ben Gallagher, Founder, InRehearsal
“Her facilitation style was inclusive, engaging and compelling. She brought the team with her and left us energised and eager to apply what we had learned” - Nick Basannavar“Your style and energy were contagious. Your content was engaging. Your openness was fabulous.”
Mbeke Waseme, coach, trainer and consultant.
Who Bold Type is for
Bold Type is designed for marketers, copywriters, and content creators who write professionally and want to improve their inclusive and accessible communication skills.
When Bold Type is
We meet every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm UK time, starting on Tuesday 24 September and ending on Tuesday 12 December.
How long sessions are
Sessions are 2 hours long, every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm.
(Confusingly, the UK clocks will change during the time that we meet! You won’t need to think about timezones because all the calendar invites will go into your calendar at the correct time.
So sessions will always be from 10am to 12pm UK time. That will be 10am to 12pm BST during September and October, then 10am to 12pm GMT during November and December. I know, it’s completely ridiculous!)
Where we meet
All sessions are online, on Zoom.
You’ll get a Zoom recording of every session afterwards, available for 1 week.
How much time you’ll need
You'll need about 3 to 4 hours per week, including watching pre-recorded videos, attending live sessions, and completing exercises.
You should aim to join all sessions live, but of course life happens. If you can’t join a live session, don’t worry! All Zoom sessions are recorded.
What happens after the course
Throughout the course, you’ll be part of a Slack community. This Slack community is open to everyone else who is or has been on the course.
It’s amazing to see how connected and supportive people already are in this space! People are sharing questions, tips, feedback and offers of support with each other already. I can’t wait to see how it grows.
As part of the Slack community, you’ll get access to:
exclusive resources (including a resources library with practical guidance on a massive range of topics)
1:1 support from me
support from your fellow learners.
What access care is available
As an inclusive communication educator, it will be no surprise that I take accessibility extremely seriously.While I can't guarantee meeting every possible access need immediately, I'm committed to making the space as accessible as possible.
There are some access care needs that I won’t be able to meet in time for the September cohort. For example, if you need sign language interpretation in a language other than BSL or ASL, I can arrange this for a future cohort.
Free and reduced-price places
There are solidarity places (also known as scholarships or free places) for folks who don't have access to employer funding. These places are for people who are typically under-invested in, including Black people, people of the Global Majority, disabled and neurodivergent people, LGBTQIA+ individuals, women, and anyone who’s marginalised for their gender.
How to apply for a free or reduced-price place
Here’s how to apply for a solidarity place:
Email hello@FightingTalk.uk with “Solidarity place” in the subject line.
Briefly describe who you are, what your work is, and any reasons you need a solidarity place. Please only share what you're comfortable with and please don’t share anything that would be traumatic for you to share, or information that might put you at risk.
Aim for 50 to 100 words, although of course if you need longer then go for it.
How we will allocate free or reduced-price places
We’ll give priority to zero-income individuals, refugees and asylum seekers, people of the Global Majority, disabled folks, and trans, non-binary, and gender-non-conforming people.
How we will store your information
Only I will read the information that relates to solidarity places. But your message will come into a shared inbox.
3 people have access to that shared email inbox, so please be aware that 2 other people could technically see your message.
We take security seriously, and will never share your personal information.
We will also delete your information after the solidarity places have been allocated. You can also ask us to delete this information at any time and we will delete it on our side (although this won’t delete sent messages on your side).
Any questions? Drop me a line on hello@fightingtalk.uk. Hope to see you in Bold Type!